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Monday, May 4, 2009

Herbs, onions, and more herbs

That's basically what I bought at the Portsmouth Farmer's Market on Saturday! I finally have all my pictures set up to show you. As you can see I plan on growing my herbs in long deck planters. The first planter I filled with thyme, sage, parsley, oregano, chives and dill. I have a second planter to fill as well.

I also picked up onion plants from Wake Robin Farm at the market. She had a great crop of onion plants, herbs and chard (a few of my herb plants came from Wake Robin Farm).

The other herbs I picked up from the Catnip Acres Herb Farm booth at the market. They are located at 107 High Rd. in Epping, NH if you're in the area.

In my garden I planted one square with Prince onions (more of a Spanish onion) and one square with Candy onions (sweet onion). I'm so excited to harvest onions from my garden in Aug/Sept. Here's a picture of how my garden is growing. The mesculen mix lettuce is sprouting and I'm still waiting for the lettuce, peas, spinach and carrots to pop up.
Overall it was a great first Farmer's Market. I can't wait till June when the Dover Farmer's Market opens! (I totally blabbed on too much!)

I leave you with some herb photo candy:







Geek+Nerd May 12, 2009 at 9:07 AM  

Lovely photos! My blog reading is inspiring major garden envy these days. I am not going to grow anything this year, because we're moving down to Boston in the middle of June and the thought of transporting a container garden among the boxes doesn't seem like a good idea. Sigh - I miss my greens!

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