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Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Healthy Living" Northwood Farmers Market

I'm sorry I've been non-existent, I'll update later with what I'm up to, but this just came in from Dagne Goodwin of Amelia Mae's and I thought I'd pass it along!

"Healthy Living Day" today at the Northwood Farmers Market (3:00PM to 6:30PM).

We will have an Herbalist to chat with, a yoga instructor to learn from and the new gym opening in town will be there too. And we'll even have some personal trainers.

Healthy Living definitely starts at the Farmers Market with wonderful vegetables, all natural soups, locally made goat cheese, locally raised chickens and of course their eggs. In today's world of uncertainty isn't it great to talk with the person who is actually raising the food that you eat!

For an extra special treat Amelia Mae's will have BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches with Coleslaw and Baked Beans for just $7.00 for take-out. You won't find a meal like that at any fast food restaurant and you can't beat the price.

The Northwood Farmers Market is located on the corner of Rt 4 and Rt 43 in Northwood NH, smack dab in the middle between Concord and Portsmouth. You won't regret the trip, honest!


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