Out and about in March
Wow, March is already here! Spring is just around the corner and there are a good deal of events happening this month. Let's run down what we have going on this month...
March 3rd: Wings of Knowledge Lecture Series: Dot Perkins, Growing, Buying, and Eating Local Food at 7:00 pm at the Library Living Room at NHTI Concord. Open to the public. Free admission. Light refreshments. (Thanks Alycia for the heads up!)March 6th: Phase One Opening of the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center. The new Discovery Center will be open 4-9 pm this Friday. Free admission from 3/6 - 3/9.
March 7th: Winter Farmer's Market at the Stratham Town Hall. Don't miss it!
March 8th: Daylight Savings Day, spring ahead one hour!Yellow House Farm in Barrington, NH is still hosting their Chicken School 101 classes. Their first three sessions are full (!) and they're onto filling their fourth session on Sunday April 5th. Registration and more information can be found on their website. I attended their first session this past weekend and learned so much!
Also on the note of Yellow House Farm. You can now order your chicks for the spring. The next order is due by 3/16. They have White Dorking and Ancona chicks available.
The last weekend of March will be Sugarmomma's Maple Syrup maple weekend. Save the date, more details to come.
Lastly, this is the month to get those seed orders in and start thinking about your garden. Time to get those seeds ready!
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